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Portal > Offres > Offre UMR5275-MARLAP-005 - Post-doctorant et Project Manager : Analyse de données géophysiques et gestion opérationnelle du projet "Crack The Rock". (H/F)

Post-Doc & Project Manager: Data analyst in geophysics and operational management of the “Crack the Rock”. (M/F)

This offer is available in the following languages:
- Français-- Anglais

Application Deadline : 24 October 2024 23:59:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : Post-Doc & Project Manager: Data analyst in geophysics and operational management of the “Crack the Rock”. (M/F) (H/F)
Reference : UMR5275-MARLAP-005
Number of position : 1
Date of publication : 03 October 2024
Type of Contract : FTC Scientist
Contract Period : 36 months
Expected date of employment : 1 December 2024
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : Between 2991,58€ and 4166,70€ gross monthly salary depending on experience.
Desired level of education : Niveau 8 - (Doctorat)
Experience required : 1 to 4 years
Section(s) CN : Earth and telluric planets: structure, history, models


The Post Doc assignment will be divided between the management of an ERC Adv. Grant project (40%), and geophysical data analysis collected on natural rock outcrops (60%).

Action 1 (40%): Project Management: the candidate will assist Eric Larose, ERC Adv. Grant PI in supervising and coordinating the project.

Action 2 (60%): The candidate will conduct research in geophysical data processing in order to better understand fracturing process on natural rock outcrops. Geophysical methods will include for instance: micro-seismicity, ambient seismic noise imaging and monitoring, IR and visual photogrammetry, image correlation, together with processing environmental and meteorological parameters.


Action 1: Project manager.
The candidate will assist the Project investigator (PI) in supervising and Coordination the project. For that, the candidate will:
- Organize project meetings with the team to assure a good work progress.
- Watch over the respect of the project deadlines and the different reporting periods.
- Be in contact with the Project officer from the European commission in charge of the project in case of problems and/or questions.
- Help with the organization of the field experiments (authorizations, missions, etc.)
- Help the administration office of the Laboratory with events organization and missions related to the project.
- Help the administration and the PI with the financial and scientific reporting (gathering necessary proofs, proofreading, etc.)

Action 2: Geophysical data analysis researcher.
The candidate will conduct research in one or more of the following domains.
- Background seismic noise analysis, passive imaging and passive monitoring.
- Optical and IR photogrammetry, image correlation.
- DTM building and volume change tracking.
- Fracture mechanics and fatigue models, applied to natural rocks.

The candidate will also write scientific articles in international peer reviewed journals (in English), and, if needed, operational reports that can be necessary to other team members. Codes will be documented and written following international software engineering standards. The candidate will attend to international meetings (EGU, AGU…) and will be able to give oral presentation of his/her results.


Project management: Experience in European or ANR project management within French University and/or CNRS administration.

Data Analyst: doctoral and/or post-doctoral experience in one or several of the following fields : seismology, remote sensing, satellite imaging, optical and/or IR imagery, inverse problems, fracture mechanics.

Optional skills: field instrumentation in geophysics, including high altitude and/or steep slopes mountains.

Work Context

The ERC “Crack the Rock” project will gather a team of 1 PI and 3 permanent researchers, 2-3 PhD students, and 1-2 post-doc, 1-2 engineers and 1-2 trainees.

In addition, the recruited person will join the Fault Mechanics team, team of the PI within the ISTerre Laboratory. This team focuses its research in better understanding the deformation mechanism in faults at different time scales. Researcher are from different backgrounds (seismology, rock physics, geology, etc.), making collaboration and the research even more interesting.

ISTerre is a Joint Research Unit of Grenoble Alpes University, CNRS, USMB, IRD and Gustave Eiffel University, located at 1381 rue de la Piscine 38400 Saint-Martin d'Hères and on the Bourget du Lac Scientific Campus.
It is part of the Observatory of Sciences of the Universe of Grenoble (OSUG) and of the PAGE research center of the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA). Its workforce is approximately 300 people for an average annual budget of €7 million.
It is organized around 9 research and service teams, the scientific objective being the physical and chemical study of planet Earth, particularly by focusing on the couplings between observations of natural objects, experimentation and modeling. associated complex processes.
ISTerre also provides solid Earth observation missions, hosts and maintains national parks of geophysical instruments, as well as a data center.

Additional Information

Applications must include a CV and cover letter, If you wish, you can indicate the contact details of at least two referees in the academic/university field.