Informations générales
Intitulé de l'offre : Researcher in agrosystem modelling (M/F) (H/F)
Référence : UMR8212-MARPER-004
Nombre de Postes : 1
Lieu de travail : ST AUBIN
Date de publication : samedi 22 mars 2025
Type de contrat : Chercheur en contrat CDD
Durée du contrat : 12 mois
Date d'embauche prévue : 1 juin 2025
Quotité de travail : Complet
Rémunération : According to CNRS salary grids
Niveau d'études souhaité : Doctorat
Expérience souhaitée : 1 à 4 années
Section(s) CN : 51 - Modélisation mathématique, informatique et physique pour les sciences du vivant
The scientist will improve the modelling of the phenology of agrosystems within the ORCHIDEE model, with the aim of providing a better account of N2O emissions. He/she will also assess the impact of these developments on the evolution of soil emissions on a global scale and their spatial distribution. The work will be carried out in two stages. The first will be to finalise the developments on crop modelling (Wu et al., 2016) in the main version of ORCHIDEE (i.e. coupled to the IPSL Earth System model), as modelling crop phenology and growth is essential for modelling N2O fluxes. The second stage will involve optimising the parameters of the phenology model using a set of data collected on agricultural sites and/or obtained by remote sensing.
• Develop a new model of crop phenology in the ORCHIDEE model;
• Optimise the parameters of the ORCHIDEE model;
• Evaluate the new modelled N2O emissions in relation to independent estimates for the historical period and in particular current conditions;
• Communicate on your activity through presentations;
• Write manuscripts reporting on the development and evaluation of the model.
• Skills/knowledge: -
-Holder of a PhD in environmental sciences or applied physics, with the ability to integrate scientific knowledge into numerical models,
-Knowledge of numerical modelling of physical or biological systems,
-Practical experience of programming (Fortran) and the Unix environment.
• Expertise :
-Ability to write (scientific publications) and speak in English.
• Soft skills :
- Solid teamwork skills.
Contexte de travail
The position will be based at the LSCE laboratory ( This is a world-class research laboratory, the result of collaboration between CEA, CNRS and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin -UVSQ. The LSCE employs around 300 researchers, engineers and administrative staff, including many PhD and Masters students. Location: around 20 km from the heart of Paris, in the Orme des Merisiers.
Contraintes et risques
Working in front of a screen.