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Portal > Offres > Offre UMR8173-BERDAR-001 - Post-doc (H/F) - Histoire économique, Histoire de l'industrie, Histoire des techniques (Japon)

PostDoc (M/F) position in Japanese History (History of industry, economic history, history of technology)

This offer is available in the following languages:
- Français-- Anglais

Application Deadline : 04 April 2025 23:59:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : PostDoc (M/F) position in Japanese History (History of industry, economic history, history of technology) (H/F)
Reference : UMR8173-BERDAR-001
Number of position : 1
Workplace : PARIS
Date of publication : 14 March 2025
Type of Contract : Researcher in FTC
Contract Period : 12 months
Expected date of employment : 1 September 2025
Proportion of work : Full Time
Remuneration : Between €3,081.33 and €4,291.71 gross monthly, depending on experience - 経験に応じて月額総額3,081.33~4,291.70ユーロ
Desired level of education : Doctorate
Experience required : Indifferent
Section(s) CN : 33 - Modern and contemporary worlds


Conduct research into the history of technology and/or economic history as part of the ERC StG J-InnovaTech project. Participate in the project's research development activities and communicate the results of ongoing research.
ERC StG J-InnovaTechプロジェクトの一環として、独立して研究を行う。 本プロジェクトの趣旨に賛同し、日本またはフランス、あるいは両国において研究をされたい方。日仏での滞在日数並びにその他の研究活動等との時間配分は、相談に応じる。PDの経験は問わない。本研究を主とすることを条件に、自身の研究テーマ等を同国にて研究することを認める(詳細は雇用時に相談の上、決定)。


1) Conduct historical research in archives, libraries and collections concerning the different facets of samurai rehabilitation (秩禄処分 - 士族授産) from 1871 to 1890, particularly in relation to industry and productive activities in the broadest sense.

2) Identify case studies concerning ex-samurai initiatives in industry and enterprise in different regions of Japan (e.g, in the Tugaru津軽藩 and Kôchi domains 高知藩territories or in Hokkaido).

3) Produce executive summaries on this research for the monthly project seminar。

4) Prepare and submit at least 1 Discussion paper per semester半期に1回、Discussion paperを作成し,提出する。

5) Develop one discussion paper into an article and submit to a peer-review journal (English or Japanese) (English or Japanese). Discussion Paper

6) Produce historical data as required for the project.


Have a PhD in the humanities and social sciences

Have a working grasp of the history of industry and technology in Japan

Have research experience in Japanese archives and source collections.

Ability to produce and revise scientific publications in French, English, or Japanese.

Be able to work as part of an international research team.

Ability to adapt to a multicultural environment.

Work Context


The contract is offered within the framework of the J-InnovaTech ERC StG project which operates out of Europe's oldest center for Social science research on Japan and one of France's leading research unit dedicated to the study of East Asia (UMR 8173 -China-Korea-Japan).

The successful candidate will be supervised by Aleksandra Kobiljski, historian of technology and will be equipped to work on the of the project premises (54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris). Successful candidate will join a dynamic research team bringing together and working with a network of some 30 senior, early-career scholars and doctoral students from Europe, the USA and Japan working the field of history of technology, economy, industry and environment broadly conceived. Joining the project implies standard benefits of French civil service.

*We offer:*
Guaranteed work from home day per week.
Paid vacation days (44)
Health care coverage (including dental)
Subsidized holiday stays in CNRS facilities on French Riviera, the Oléron island of the French Atlantic coast, and in the French Alps.

J-InnovaTech(以下「本プロジェクト」)は、世界中の卓越した研究者を支援する目的で設立された欧州研究会議(ERC:European Research Council)を母体とする国際共同研究プロジェクトである。近世後期から明治初期において日本が達成した人類史上稀に見る極めて短期間での近代化を対象に、従来の枠組みや接近方法にとらわれることなく、グローバルな文脈で「イノベーション」が生じる過程を再構築することを目指す。具体的には、発明家や技術者が技術革新を生み出すプロセスを社会との相互作用として再構築するとの仮説を検証することにより、様々な知の集合体としてイノベーションを総合的に分析する。そのため、応募者の強みと志向を最大限かつ柔軟に活かす工夫を加えた。この画期的な挑戦に賛同する方を幅広く募集したい。

Constraints and risks

Le poste implique des recherches en archives dans diverses institutions au Japon, y compris en milieu rural. Il implique des missions à l'étranger ainsi que des réunions de travail en visioconférence avec des partenaires partiaire dans différents fuseaux horaires hors Europe. Pour les candidats internationaux, une bonne connaissance du milieu de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur français est requise.
