Informations générales
Intitulé de l'offre : Postdoc (M/F) 18 months : Movement ecology of gulls relative to the St Nazaire offshore windfarm (H/F)
Référence : UMR7372-JULCOL-002
Nombre de Postes : 1
Lieu de travail : VILLIERS EN BOIS
Date de publication : vendredi 7 mars 2025
Type de contrat : Chercheur en contrat CDD
Durée du contrat : 18 mois
Date d'embauche prévue : 5 mai 2025
Quotité de travail : Complet
Rémunération : From 2 991,58 € to 4 756,76 € gross monthly income according to experience
Niveau d'études souhaité : Doctorat
Expérience souhaitée : Indifférent
Section(s) CN : 29 - Biodiversité, évolution et adaptations biologiques : des macromolécules aux communautés
The French government is targeting 45 GW of electricity production from offshore windfarms by 2050 (, out of the 100 GW targeted by the European Union. These windfarms could have consequences for biodiversity, and could particularly affect seabirds present in these areas (behavior and movements, collision risks). The Saint-Nazaire offshore windfarm is the first offshore windfarm in France, built between 2021 and 2022 and in operation since November 2022. As part of a long-term monitoring program (LARUS project), led since 2014 by the association Bretagne Vivante , GPS tags have been deployed on adults of several species of gulls from different colonies around the windfarm (during and outside the breeding season). The company operating the windfarm is funding a scientific assessment of the use of the windfarm area by these gulls, in order to find out if and how these species have changed their space use (before – during – after approach) and how today they avoid or are attracted to the windfarm (macro and meso scales). The contract has a dual scientific objective of academic publication(s) and technical reports for the windfarm managers with a view to their next 2028-2033 management plan, which will be decided during 2027.
The main activity of the postdoc will be to analyze GPS tracking data to assess macro- and meso-scale avoidance/attraction behaviors in relation to weather conditions, as well as day-night, tidal and seasonal rhythms; and to compare behavior and/or habitat use in the area before and after the windfarm was set up. The focus will be on 2D spatial data, but altitude variations could also be studied.
Activity reports will be provided every 6 months in preparation for steering committees by videoconference with supervisors, Bretagne Vivante and the funder. A final report of scientific recommendations will be provided in particular at the end of the contract and no later than early 2027.
The person recruited is also expected to academically promote his/her work through one or more scientific publications and one or more conferences.
Finally, it is desirable that the person recruited meets the Bretagne Vivante team during the annual field activities (May and/or July), but the analyses will essentially be based on the data set already collected.
Holding a PhD for less than 10 years; people with more experience can apply but this will affect the duration of the contract and will require proof of the ability to carry out the mission in a shorter time.
Being able to independently conduct analyses of movement ecology and effectively promote them (including writing scientific articles). Having previously worked on themes related to windfarms and/or the spatial ecology of marine predators will be a plus.
Being proactive in mobilizing supervisors and partners when necessary, keeping them informed of progress, being able to anticipate deadlines and to respect the communication charters of the various partners.
Fluency in written and spoken French will be an advantage, to facilitate exchanges with the Bretagne Vivante team and funders, but non-French-speaking candidates are encouraged to apply.
The desire to come and work on the CEBC site, which is relatively isolated (driving license and personal car recommended).
Contexte de travail
The postdoc will be based on the CEBC site (UMR 7372 CNRS – Université de la Rochelle), and will be supervised by Julien Collet and Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Lebrun, within the Marine Predators team of the laboratory.
Approximately €10k of operating costs are planned to cover missions (field visits, conference), purchase of IT and small equipment, and possible publication costs. A willingness to be involved in monitoring the budget will be appreciated.
Contraintes et risques
None to report