General information
Offer title : Post-Doc ( M/F) on Laser Resonance Chromatography » (LRC) of transition metals (H/F)
Reference : UAR3266-VIRLEF-075
Number of position : 1
Workplace : CAEN
Date of publication : 25 March 2025
Type of Contract : Researcher in FTC
Contract Period : 24 months
Expected date of employment : 1 September 2025
Proportion of work : Full Time
Remuneration : Between 3020 et 4200 euros monthly gross depending on experience
Desired level of education : Doctorate
Experience required : 1 to 4 years
Section(s) CN : 01 - Interactions, particles, nuclei, from laboratory to cosmos
Research and development activities to improve the Laser Resonance Chromatography (LRC) technique for application to optical spectroscopy of superheavy elements at GANIL.
In this project (LRC), we are developing and applying efficient spectroscopic methods based on selective laser excitation and particle detection to measure spectral lines of transition metals that have so far eluded optical spectroscopy.
You will contribute to the following aspects:
- Development of the experimental control system and data acquisition for the LRC setup,
- Commissioning of the cryogenic drift tube of the setup,
- Optimization of ion transport,
- Carrying out laser spectroscopy studies on stable transition metals to determine optimal setup parameters,
- Participation in commissioning beam times of S3/S3-LEB,
- Publication of experimental results in scientific journals.
The data acquired through these activities should ultimately help optimize experimental system parameters for LRC experiments on the actinides.
You must hold a PhD, preferably in atomic or nuclear physics. The PhD must not have been obtained for more than 3 years.
Advanced knowledge in:
- Ion optics,
- Electronics,
- Conducting measurement,
- Laser spectroscopy
- Fluency in written and spoken English.
- Ion optics simulations,
- Scientific programming (C++, ROOT, Python, LabView) to control experiments,
- Analyze and interpret measurements made with the detection systems,
- Present research results to collaborators and at conferences.
Soft Skills :
- Independent
- Responsible
- Thorough
- Curious
- A team player
- Highly organized person.
Work Context
The “Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds” is a national research infrastructure that exploits high-enegy ion beams for experiments in the fields of fundamental research in nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics, materials irradiation and nano-structuring, molecular collisions and the interstellar medium, radiobiology, and innovative techniques for dosimetry and therapy of certain cancers. GANIL (around 300 people) is located on the future EPOPEA site, the science and innovation park of the Caen la Mer urban community, in Caen, Normandy. It is jointly managed, within an Economic Interest Group (EIG), by the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA/DRF) and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS/IN2P3). As a research infrastructure, GANIL serves a national, European and international scientific community of around a thousand users.
You will be assigned to the Physics of Heavy And Superheavy Elements (PHASE) group, which comprises researchers, PhDs and postdocs. You will work in close collaboration with members of the DEtection et Laser pour la Physique (DELPH) group, comprising around 20 people (engineers, technicians, postdocs, PhDs). These groups are part of the Physics Division, where staff are responsible for hosting the scientific experiments carried out at GANIL by an international research community.
Employee benefits:
53 days of vacation per year (32 CA and 21 JRTT), work from home, complementary health insurance, contribution to catering costs, contribution to public transport costs or mobility package, Social Action Committee.
The position is located in a sector under the protection of scientific and technical potential (PPST), and therefore requires, in accordance with the regulations, that your arrival is authorized by the competent authority of the MESR.
Constraints and risks
As GANIL is classified as a Basic Nuclear Installation (INB), the candidate must be able to work in a supervised and controlled zone, in compliance with the applicable regulations and procedures in terms of nuclear safety and security.