Informations générales
Intitulé de l'offre : Thesis M/F: Automatic composition of security functions in the cloud (H/F)
Référence : UPR8001-PHIOWE-005
Nombre de Postes : 1
Lieu de travail : TOULOUSE
Date de publication : mercredi 12 mars 2025
Type de contrat : CDD Doctorant
Durée du contrat : 36 mois
Date de début de la thèse : 1 mai 2025
Quotité de travail : Complet
Rémunération : 2200 gross monthly
Section(s) CN : 06 - Sciences de l'information : fondements de l'informatique, calculs, algorithmes, représentations, exploitations
Description du sujet de thèse
Cloud computing drastically changed how software is developed and deployed. Nowadays cloud applications are designed as distributed systems continuously evolving, located in data-centers, and possibly distributed all around the world. Such applications are then developed as the combination of multiple micro-services, called in a pre-programmed order, these calls being managed by an orchestrator as Kubernetes. Similarly, new generation networks being designed with the same cloud architecture principles (as 5G for instance), network functions are virtualized and are made of multiple micro-services distributed in the whole network, and called depending on instant requirements. This is also the case for security functions, in both networks and clouds. Given this new micro-services-oriented architecture principle, the attacking surface is highly changing because of the increase dynamicity of applications or functions of their building micro-services calls. The attacking surface being dynamic, the security response has to be dynamic too.
This PhD thesis aims at designing a security system for the cloud that automatically adapts to applications requirements. Thus, for a given application or data-flow having formalized characteristics, the security system has to automatically and in real-time define the related security function, this function being built by calling the suited security micro-services. This automation is made possible by formalizing micro-services-based applications and their data-flows, and machine learning techniques for selecting the micro-services to combine. This selection also has to take into account several criteria as the location of micro-services, and how trustable the related carriers are.
Contexte de travail
Research in cybersecurity in the cloud domain. Work in computer networks and computers.
Le poste se situe dans un secteur relevant de la protection du potentiel scientifique et technique (PPST), et nécessite donc, conformément à la réglementation, que votre arrivée soit autorisée par l'autorité compétente du MESR.
Contraintes et risques
No risk