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PhD candidate (M/F) - Numerical study of thermo-acoustic instabilities in hydrogen blend flames

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Application Deadline : 09 October 2024 23:59:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : PhD candidate (M/F) - Numerical study of thermo-acoustic instabilities in hydrogen blend flames (H/F)
Reference : UPR288-RONVIC-003
Number of position : 1
Workplace : GIF SUR YVETTE
Date of publication : 18 September 2024
Type of Contract : PhD Student contract / Thesis offer
Contract Period : 36 months
Start date of the thesis : 1 November 2024
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : 2 135,00 € gross monthly
Section(s) CN : Fluid and reactive environments: transport, transfer, transformation processes

Description of the thesis topic

The ACHIEVE European project

To mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases on the climate, the gas turbine power generation sector must rapidly reduce its emissions. Furthermore, these systems offer a compensatory solution to the intermittent nature of renewable energies. To achieve this, the traditional combustion of carbon-based natural gas must be abandoned in favor of carbon-free fuels derived from renewable energies. ACHIEVE aims at developing the fundamental knowledge to enable a transition to unconventional carbon-free fuel blends based around H2 and NH3 to achieve zero carbon emissions, ultra-low NOx emissions, and stable gas turbine operation.
ACHIEVE's consortium combines the expertise of top academic (numerical and experimental), industrial, and transversal institutions. It will bring together experts from different research fields, including CFD, heat transfer and combustion, fluid dynamics and technical acoustics, aircraft propulsion, virtual chemistry, and high-pressure combustion.

Experimental campaigns will explore combustor stability limits, emissions, and fundamental aspects of the combustion of hydrogen blends. Numerical activities will address combustion modelling challenges, including chemical kinetics, fundamental physics governing flame dynamics, ushering in new modelling techniques to understand and predict NOx formation mechanism, lean blow-off, flashback limits, and thermoacoustic instabilities. Real-time monitoring and predictive capabilities for practical combustion systems will also be developed.

The EM2C laboratory is a CNRS research unit located at CentraleSupélec in Paris-Saclay University. It combines high-level academic research with applied studies in partnership with the largest companies and research centers in the field of transport and energy. The activities deal with various complex and multiphysics flows, which can involve turbulence, two-phase flow, combustion, and thermo-acoustics. The research interests span from fundamental and theoretical concerns to semi-industrial applications.

Description of Ph.D. position

The EM2C CNRS Laboratory is seeking a highly qualified candidate for a Ph.D. fellowship in the area of numerical simulation and modelling of combustion and thermo-acoustics. The successful candidate will study the thermoacoustic behavior of unconventional hydrogen blends on a large parameter space with large-eddy simulation (LES), low-order modelling and surrogate models. The tasks will be carried out in close collaboration with the project's international partners. The research outcomes will be published in major high-impact international journals.

Work Context

The EM2C laboratory (CNRS/INSIS and Université Paris-Saclay/CentraleSupélec, through its high-level academic research on energy and combustion and its applied studies in partnership with leading transport and energy companies and research centers, is making a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge on these critical issues, both for the climate and the environment. To meet these challenges, the laboratory's research activities are organized around three main themes
Combustion, Non-equilibrium Plasmas, Transfer Physics and a transversal action in Applied Mathematics. As a doctoral student (M/F), you will be enrolled in the SMEMAG doctoral school (ED 579 - Mechanical & Energy Sciences, Materials & Geosciences).
The EM2C Laboratory has around 45 permanent staff (researchers, teacher-researchers & research support staff) and 35 PhD students, post-docs, trainees & visiting professors.

The position is located in an area covered by the protection of scientific and technical potential (PPST), and therefore requires, in accordance with regulations, that your arrival be authorized by the competent MESR authority.

The position is located in a sector under the protection of scientific and technical potential (PPST), and therefore requires, in accordance with the regulations, that your arrival is authorized by the competent authority of the MESR.

Constraints and risks


Additional Information
