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Doctoral student M/F

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- Français-- Anglais

Application Deadline : 08 October 2024 23:59:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : Doctoral student M/F (H/F)
Reference : UMR8067-DAMCHE-010
Number of position : 1
Date of publication : 17 September 2024
Type of Contract : PhD Student contract / Thesis offer
Contract Period : 36 months
Start date of the thesis : 1 February 2025
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : 2 135,00 € gross monthly
Section(s) CN : Biodiversity, evolution and biological adaptations: from macromolecules to communities

Description of the thesis topic


Five of the seven species of sea turtles present in the world frequent the waters of the French West Indies, three of which are in danger of extinction at the global level: the hawksbill turtle (“critically endangered”, CR), the green turtle (“endangered”, EN) and the leatherback turtle (“vulnerable”, VU). One of the causes of mortality of sea turtles in the French West Indies is accidental capture by certain fishing gear, in particular bottom-set gillnets. These accidental captures also have a negative impact on fishing professionals through the degradation of their fishing equipment, the reduction in their fishing yield (reduction in catches of target species, time spent repairing equipment, etc.) and fears related to unwanted interactions with these protected species. Sea turtles are the subject of a National Action Plan in the French Antilles (PNATMAF, 2018-2027) which defines the actions to be implemented to improve their conservation status. The RECAPTED project (RÉduction des CAPTures accidentelles pour une pêche Efficiente et Durable), in which the thesis is integrated, is part of this framework and thus meets several objectives of the PNATMAF, and particularly that of "supporting professionals in the research and implementation of alternative fishing techniques". The RECAPTED project is funded by the Martinique and Guadeloupe Green Fund. It is led by the CNRS. It aims 1) to reduce the impact of fishing on sea turtles by involving the different coastal fishing communities of the Martinique and Guadeloupe coasts in a process of developing innovative solutions to limit accidental catches and 2) to bring out concrete proposals to be tested in terms of fishing gear and practices.
Deployed in the territories of Martinique and Guadeloupe, the project is structured around the following 4 specific objectives:
• Establish a sustainable partnership with professional fishermen;
• Propose innovative fishing gear to limit the impact of fishing on sea turtles and their habitat;
• Propose innovative fishing practices to reduce the incidence of accidental captures of sea turtles;
• Ensure a long-term commitment to these practices, across both territories.

In this context, the CNRS is recruiting a doctoral student to contribute to the implementation of the RECAPTED project. MISSIONS The doctoral student's main missions will be: i) The collection and analysis of data on catches of fish species and environmental parameters during paired tests carried out at sea in order to evaluate the effect of visual deterrent devices (VDD) on fishing profitability and the catchability of sea turtles, ii) The analysis of images from underwater cameras associated with bottom gear to study their behavior and the species that interact with them, iii) The analysis of data from interviews conducted with professional fishermen in the territory as part of the establishment of a sustainable partnership.

Experimental tides - Regular embarkations on board artisanal fishing vessels in fishing action, - Surveys of environmental parameters at sea, - Identification of fish species landed, - Collection of biometric measurements (fish species and sea turtles), - Interactive collaboration with fishermen, - Setting up a database, - Data entry, processing and statistical analysis, - Integration of feedback from fishermen on paired tests for the evolution of the protocol, - Assistance in formulating recommendations on innovative practices limiting the mortality of sea turtles Underwater images - Viewing photos/videos of fishing gear, their behavior and their interactions with different marine species, - Analysis of these images in order to formulate recommendations on optimizing the implementation of underwater cameras near bottom nets - Support for the selection of images for distribution to professionals in the fishing and creation of communication tools. Other activities - Collection by telephone/field interviews and synthesis of feedback from trained and accredited sea fishermen in the resuscitation of sea turtles, - Participation in the establishment of a network of informed and aware sea fishermen on the subject, - Support for the organization and implementation of municipal meetings with sea fishermen in the territory, - Assistance in the creation of communication tools and participation in meetings.

- Knowledge of fisheries sciences,
- Knowledge of marine ecology and the marine environment -
Notion of fish species in the Caribbean zone.
Knowledge of the context of artisanal fisheries and the socio-economic context in the French Antilles would be a welcome asset. Know-how / Soft skills:
- Ability and interest in working on fishing vessels and good physical condition required
- Very good interpersonal skills and listening skills
- Adaptability in a multicultural context
- Rigor and autonomy, particularly in the field
- Good organizational skills
- Processing and analysis of statistical data
- Patience and sense of observation
- Taste for technical design
- Interest in leading meetings and interacting with a diverse audience
- Ability to work in a team and report.
- English and Creole appreciated
- Previous experience with socio-professionals in the fishing industry would be an asset.

- Regular boardings on board professional artisanal fishing vessels, often difficult environmental conditions, work in staggered hours during the boarding period
- Safety equipment for boardings (e.g. PFD)

- The doctoral student will be based in Martinique for a period of 36 months, full-time, from December 2024
- Class B license required.
- Coastal boat license required.

- Professional fishermen partners in the project, CRPMEM 971 and 972, Directorates of the Sea 971 and 972.
- External partners of the project: DEAL Martinique and Guadeloupe, PNATMAF Martinique and Guadeloupe animation team, IFREMER, Guadeloupe National Park, Martinique Natural Park, Martinique Regional Natural Park, SD 971/972 agents, EI Group fisheries observers, associations, etc.
DIRECT REPORTING TO Dr. Damien Chevallier, Thesis Director and Scientific Coordinator of the RECAPTED project.

Work Context

The PhD will be carried out under the supervision of Dr. Damien CHEVALLIER (CNRS, BOREA) and the co-supervision of Dr. Jean-Raphael GROSDESORMEAUX (CNRS, LC2S). The doctoral student will carry out his/her thesis work at the Martinique Marine Research Station (Anses d'Arlet), when he/she is not in the field. The experiments will take place at sea in often difficult environmental conditions and with staggered schedules, requiring teamwork with fishermen and project partners, as well as numerous trips across the Martinique, Guadeloupe and dependencies (Désirade, Marie Galante, Les Saintes) territories. Requires good physical condition.

Constraints and risks


Additional Information
