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Portail > Offres > Offre UPR8001-OLISTA-017 - (H/F) Ingénieur en logiciel pour le contrôle de systèmes complexes mobiles via ros2_control

(M/F) Software engineer for the control of mobile complex systems using ros2_control

This offer is available in the following languages:
- Français-- Anglais

Date Limite Candidature : vendredi 4 avril 2025 23:59:00 heure de Paris

Assurez-vous que votre profil candidat soit correctement renseigné avant de postuler

Informations générales

Intitulé de l'offre : (M/F) Software engineer for the control of mobile complex systems using ros2_control (H/F)
Référence : UPR8001-OLISTA-017
Nombre de Postes : 1
Lieu de travail : TOULOUSE
Date de publication : vendredi 14 mars 2025
Type de contrat : IT en contrat CDD
Durée du contrat : 18 mois
Date d'embauche prévue : 12 mai 2025
Quotité de travail : Complet
Rémunération : from 2847 to 2932 euros before taxes with less than 3 years of experience.
Niveau d'études souhaité : BAC+3/4
Expérience souhaitée : Indifférent
BAP : E - Informatique, Statistiques et Calcul scientifique
Emploi type : Ingénieur-e en ingénierie logicielle


This position has the following objectives:
- Integrate new research controlers for complex robots and developed in the Gepetto team inside the ros2_control framework.
- Perfom test and deployment on some robots available in the Gepetto team:
TALOS, Tiago, Solo, Bolt and Unitrees (to come).
- Develop ros2_control hardware interfaces for the open sources robots developed in the team.
- Participate to the ros2_control development to reach the same functional level that was reached with the Stack-of-Tasks framework developed by the Gepetto team.
- Develop and support python bindings in ros2_control


- Develop C++ ros2_controllers integrating Gepetto's estimators and controllers with separation of concerns.
- Release and integrate the codes inside the ROS 2 buildfarm.
- Participate to the working group meetings for ros2_control every two weeks on wednesday.
- Monitoring and support over ros2_controllers in the same scope developed by O2R and ROBOTEX 2.0 partners.
- Writing documentation
- Support of the group's github repositories for ros2_control, answer to issuers, PRs reviews.
- Participating to scientific events of O2R and ROBOTEX 2.0
- Definition and animation of software developments to do together with the Gepetto team.


- Mastering Linux Ubuntu 2?.04
- Knowledge on C++ 17/20 and python, template programming
- Knowledge on ROS-2 and ros2_control.
- Knowledge on github, gitlab, git, cmake, and ROS dev environment
- Knowledge on package release mechanism for ROS-2 will be appreciated.
- Knowledge on github actions github, devops and continuous integration.
- Writing documentation capabilities.

Contexte de travail

Gepetto is a team specialized in the science of motion for anthropomorphic systems with a strong background in humanoid robotics, optimization, artificial intelligence, motion
planning and computer science. We are located in the sunny Toulouse, France.

Le poste se situe dans un secteur relevant de la protection du potentiel scientifique et technique (PPST), et nécessite donc, conformément à la réglementation, que votre arrivée soit autorisée par l'autorité compétente du MESR.

Contraintes et risques

Travels for short stays in France and abroad are expected according to the project necessities.