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Portal > Offres > Offre UMR9012-MARJOU-017 - Chercheur en physique en manipulation d’ions en physique nucléaire de basse énergie (H/F)

Post-doctoral position in ion manipulation in low energy nuclear physics (M/F)

This offer is available in the following languages:
- Français-- Anglais

Application Deadline : 19 August 2024 00:00:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : Post-doctoral position in ion manipulation in low energy nuclear physics (M/F) (H/F)
Reference : UMR9012-MARJOU-017
Number of position : 1
Workplace : ORSAY
Date of publication : 21 May 2024
Type of Contract : FTC Scientist
Contract Period : 24 months
Expected date of employment : 1 September 2024
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : Between 3081,33€ and 3519,85 € (gross monthly salary depending on experience)
Desired level of education : Niveau 8 - (Doctorat)
Experience required : 1 to 4 years
Section(s) CN : Interactions, particles, nuclei, from laboratory to cosmos


The candidate will work with researchers and engineers from IJCLab (Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis Irène Joliot-Curie). The candidate will join the BIMP team in the accelerator physics pole. He will be involved in the MLLTRAP project (double Penning trap mass spectrometer) currently being developed at the ALTO research platform as part of the DESIR/SPIRAL2 collaboration at Ganil. He will be responsible for the assembly and commissioning of MLLTRAP, as well as part of the design of the R&D project to develop the sensitivity of the Penning traps (In-trap project). The candidate will participate in mass measurement campaigns at ALTO. The candidate will be involved in finalizing the implementation and setting up MLLTRAP for qualification with the first beams at DESIR at GANIL, where MLLTRAP will be relocated around 2028. He will present the work at international conferences and coordinate the preparation of scientific articles describing the experiments and results. Finally, the candidate will participate in the supervision of doctoral, master's and bachelor's students.


• Take in charge the ongoing R&D on a new Penning trap for the manipulation of radioactive ions which will be tested at ALTO and used at DESIR/SPIRAL2.
• Support the work connected to the reliability of the transport of low-energy beams to the ion traps at ALTO.
• Prepare the experiments using ion traps and participate in the measurement campaigns at ALTO.
• Prepare the integration of MLLTRAP in the DESIR hall.
• Commit to the installation of the project at DESIR at 20% of time


• PhD in experimental nuclear physics or similar field,
• Experience in mass spectrometry and ion traps,
• Working experience at accelerators facilities,
• In-depth knowledge of beam dynamics and methods for producing stable and radioactive charged particles,
• Knowledge of radioactive ion trapping techniques
• Knowledge of on-line isotope separation techniques
• Skills in control and command, analysis codes and simulations
• Good communication skills and fluency in spoken and written English.
• Experience in transport, preparation and manipulation of low-energy beams
• Experience in data analysis
• Preparation and execution of experiments

Work Context

The Irène Joliot-Curie 2 Infinites Physics Laboratory (IJCLAB) is a research laboratory under the auspices of the CNRS, the University of Paris-Saclay and the University of Paris. It employs almost 600 permanent staff (370 engineers, technicians and administrative staff and 230 researchers and teacher-researchers) and around 200 non-permanent staff, including 120 PhD students. The laboratory's research themes are nuclear physics, high-energy physics, astroparticles and cosmology, theoretical physics, accelerator physics and particle detectors, as well as technical research and development and associated applications for energy, health and the environment. The facility has extensive technical capabilities (around 280 engineers and technicians) in all the major fields required to design, develop and implement the experimental devices needed for its scientific activity: mechanics, electronics, computing, instrumentation, acceleration techniques and biology. These technical strengths represent a major asset for the design, development and use of the necessary instruments (accelerators and detectors). The presence of research infrastructures and technology platforms on the laboratory site is also a major asset. Last but not least, around 90 administrative and support staff work alongside the laboratory.
The ALTO research platform ( is one of IJCLab's 5 accredited platforms. It consists of two accelerators, a 15 MV Tandem electrostatic machine and a 50 MeV electron Linac, 2 R&D and manufacturing laboratories for uranium carbide targets and thin films, and a laser platform. ALTO has 2 isotope separators, one on-line and one off-line. It also houses several scientific instruments, including high-resolution mass spectrometers, multi-detectors, twelve experimental areas, a stable source test bench, and an irradiation bench for industrial use. ALTO carries out around 30 experiments per year, and hosts about 250 researchers. ALTO conducts R&D projects on uranium carbide targets, target-source assemblies and thin films.
IJCLab bases its recruitment policy on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion. These values are essential to the professional development of our employees, who are key players in our collective success, as well as to the development of the laboratory itself.

The position is located in a sector under the protection of scientific and technical potential (PPST), and therefore requires, in accordance with the regulations, that your arrival is authorized by the competent authority of the MESR.

Constraints and risks

• Travel in France and abroad is to be expected. Particularly through GSI-IN2P3 collaboration.
• Exposure to ionizing radiation.
• Working hours are those of IJCLab. Staggered working hours are to be expected, particularly during measurement campaigns. These staggered hours may include nights or weekends, depending on the needs of the experiment.

Additional Information

• Submit a cover letter and CV with no gaps in the date, showing degrees, qualifications and professional experience.
• Two letters of recommendation will be required for the next selection phase.