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Portal > Offres > Offre UMR8212-WILGRA-002 - Postdoc ‘Exploration du soufre, des métaux et des terres rares dans les foraminifères en tant que nouvelles paléoarchives des processus volcaniques sur l'océan et le climat' au LSCE (Paris-Saclay) (H/F)

Postdoc 'Exploring sulfur, metals, and REE in foraminifera as a new paleoarchive of volcanic processes on ocean and climate' at LSCE (Paris-Saclay) (M/F)

This offer is available in the following languages:
- Français-- Anglais

Application Deadline : 25 October 2024 23:59:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : Postdoc 'Exploring sulfur, metals, and REE in foraminifera as a new paleoarchive of volcanic processes on ocean and climate' at LSCE (Paris-Saclay) (M/F) (H/F)
Reference : UMR8212-WILGRA-002
Number of position : 1
Workplace : ST AUBIN
Date of publication : 04 October 2024
Type of Contract : FTC Scientist
Contract Period : 18 months
Expected date of employment : 14 November 2024
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : between €3081.33 and €3519.85.90 gross per month
Desired level of education : Niveau 8 - (Doctorat)
Experience required : 1 to 4 years
Section(s) CN : Earth System: superficial envelopes


The elemental and isotopic signals recorded in the shells of planktic foraminifera (single celled calcifying protists) are widely applied as proxies for a host of paleoenvironmental parameters. The FORVOL project will develop a method to simultaneously analyse sulfur, metal cations (e.g. Zn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+) and rare earth elements (REE) in planktic foraminiferal shells using triple quadrupole ICP-MS. The project will then apply this method trace the impact of the explosive Toba super eruption on surface ocean chemistry and planktic foraminiferal biocalcification across the interglacial-glacial transition MIS5-MIS4, in order to gain new insights into the impact of volcanic emissions on ocean biogeochemistry.


The project has an important method development component pertaining the setting up of S/Ca, Zn/Ca, Fe/Ca and REE measurement in foraminiferal shells. The successful candidate will work on developing a new triple quadrupole ICP-MS methodology to simultaneously measure these elements. The candidate then apply this method to a sediment core located proximally to the Toba eruption. Specifically, they will:

- work with a team of technicians/engineers to develop a method to simultaneously analyse sulfur, metal cations (e.g. Zn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+) and rare earth elements (REE) in planktic foraminiferal shells using triple quadrupole ICP-MS
- ground truth the S/Ca proxy by analyzing foraminifera grown in culture under different seawater sulfur concentrations
- identify and pick planktic foraminifera from a sediment core located in the Andaman Sea, which contains ash layers from the Toba eruption
- prepare foraminiferal samples for trace element analysis in the clean lab and measure them by triple quadrupole ICP-MS
- communicate their results through publications and attendance of international conferences
- there is the potential to supervise research internships (masters theses)


The project is essentially multi-disciplinary (micropaleontology and geochemistry) and the candidate is expected to have experience in geochemical proxies in foraminifera and Quaternary planktic foraminifera. Ideally the candidate will have clean lab experience, as well as experience in trace element analysis by ICP-MS, and knowledge of the Toba eruption.

The ideal candidate will have:
- a strong background in the application of foraminiferal geochemistry to paleoclimate questions
- demonstrated ability to analyse trace elements in biogenic carbonates (cleaning/solution ICP-MS techniques)
- ability to identify key species of Quaternary planktic foraminifera
- knowledge of the foraminiferal geochemical proxies and the Toba eruption
- experience with interpreting paleoclimate data
- strong written and oral communication in English
- scientific curiosity, autonomy, and rigour

Work Context

This post-doctoral position is part of the FORVOL project funded by the Ile de France region (DIMPAMIR). This work will be carried on in the Paleocean group of the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), located on the campus of Université Paris-Saclay to the south of Paris, France. The postdoc will benefit from interactions with the wide range of ongoing (bio)geochemical and (paleo)climate research at the LSCE, and with project partners at the MNHN in Paris. The duration of the post-doc is 18 months.

Constraints and risks

lab work and working with a screen