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Portal > Offres > Offre UMR7164-SANMER-025 - Chercheur en physique des neutrinos (Expérience DUNE) (H/F)

Neutrino Physics Researcher (DUNE Experiment) (M/F)

This offer is available in the following languages:
- Français-- Anglais

Application Deadline : 01 April 2025 23:59:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : Neutrino Physics Researcher (DUNE Experiment) (M/F) (H/F)
Reference : UMR7164-SANMER-025
Number of position : 1
Workplace : PARIS 13
Date of publication : 11 March 2025
Type of Contract : Researcher in FTC
Contract Period : 24 months
Expected date of employment : 1 September 2025
Proportion of work : Full Time
Remuneration : between 3081 and 3520 euros gross monthly
Desired level of education : Doctorate
Experience required : Indifferent
Section(s) CN : 01 - Interactions, particles, nuclei, from laboratory to cosmos


This fixed-term research contract offer within the AstroParticle and Cosmology Laboratory (APC) is part of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) which is an international collaboration with more than a thousand members and more than 30 countries involved. The project is hosted by FNAL and SURF (USA), with prototyping and engineering work also carried out at CERN (Switzerland). The DUNE France effort, in which several French laboratories are participating, benefits from significant financial support through a government program of "very large research infrastructures" (RI*) of the French Ministry of Science. The APC DUNE group currently has six faculty members and four PhD students. It was heavily involved in various aspects of the experiment: analysis of the data collected by the prototype at CERN (ProtoDUNE), simulations and optimization of the neutrino event reconstruction algorithms, development of the readout electronics for the photo-detection system, and development of the analysis framework for an analysis of oscillations in DUNE using atmospheric neutrinos. Over the next few years, the group plans to continue its analytical activities, including a detailed study of the systematic uncertainties related to reconstruction and their impact on oscillation sensitivities. These studies should be conducted on simulated data, as well as beam data from ProtoDUNE.


The successful candidate will be expected to participate primarily in the group's analysis activities, but his/her participation in hardware-related activities is not excluded, if there is a need or interest (by mutual agreement).


· Ph.D. in particle physics or a related field.
· A strong interest in computer science (software development, machine learning techniques, etc.) is desirable.
· Applicants must have a maximum of 3 years of research experience after the PhD.
· Language : English

Work Context

The AstroParticle and Cosmology Laboratory (APC) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR) created in 2005. The APC brings together about 75 permanent researchers, and about fifty engineers, technicians and administrative staff. Including non-permanent staff (doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, foreign visitors), some 200 people make up this structure, which is managed, in addition to the University of Paris Cités (UPCité), by the CNRS (represented by three of its institutes: mainly IN2P3, but also INSU and INP), the CEA (DSM/IRFU) and the Paris Observatory, and the CNES.

Constraints and risks

Applicants are invited to submit a cover letter and CV.