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Portal > Offres > Offre UMR5505-CHLBOU-090 - CDD chercheur (H/F) - Algèbre linéaire appliquée et calcul à hautes performances dans le projet EoCoE-III

Post-doctoral position (M/F) - Applied linear algebra and high performance computing in the EoCoE-III project

This offer is available in the following languages:
- Français-- Anglais

Application Deadline : 21 July 2024 00:00:00 Paris time

Ensure that your candidate profile is correct before applying.

General information

Offer title : Post-doctoral position (M/F) - Applied linear algebra and high performance computing in the EoCoE-III project (H/F)
Reference : UMR5505-CHLBOU-090
Number of position : 1
Workplace : TOULOUSE
Date of publication : 12 June 2024
Type of Contract : FTC Scientist
Contract Period : 14 months
Expected date of employment : 1 October 2024
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : From 2991 et to 4345 euros gross monthly
Desired level of education : Niveau 8 - (Doctorat)
Experience required : Indifferent
Section(s) CN : Information sciences: bases of information technology, calculations, algorithms, representations, uses


One of the objectives of the European EoCoE-III ( center of excellence in high performance computing is to provide a tool for thorough simulations of the non-equilibrium carrier and excitations dynamics in novel materials for energy conversion and storage. One of the key component for
processing such simulations is the solution of large linear systems.

In this context, we are seeking for candidates for a 14-months post-doc at the IRIT laboratory of Toulouse with a strong background in HPC numerical linear algebra.


The linear systems resulting from the problem under consideration have a particular block-sparse structure, for which few -- if any – general-purpose numerical linear algebra codes are available. The goal of the post-doctoral position will be to develop such a HPC computing code and assess it with the libNEGF library (, a quantum transport code based on non-equilibrium Green's function method.

The broader objective of the project is to introduce further layers of parallelization and distribution, develop a flexible block-sparse structure scheme, consider the effect of data compression and accuracy, and design a new data flow strategy that maximizes the interleaving of computation with communication. In terms of new
algorithmic developments, the project plans to investigate tensor algorithms, tuning at run-time of loop over GEMM on the size of operands depending on the matrix representation used, and better exploit symmetries to minimize communication. Additionally, the plan includes the development of an abstraction layer that hides openACC and CUDA calls, enhances code design on various aspects such as middle- level parallelism, low-level parallelism, and modular implementation of algorithms. Finally, the project aims to achieve multi-level parallelism and interoperability between different platforms, such as NVIDIA, Intel, AMD, ARM, etc., by developing an automatic framework that combines compiler-based code generation with heuristic performance prediction tools that evaluate the generated code through modeling of the computation and communication patterns of the underlined algorithm. Within this scope, the post-doc will participate in one or more of the above-described research activities depending on his/her skills.


- PhD
- Completed university studies (masters degree) and a doctoral degree in computer science, applied mathematics, computational science
- Very good knowledge of numerical linear algebra algorithms
- Extensive experience with parallel programming and high-performance computing, in particular with MPI, OpenMP and GPU programming models on large scales
- Strong programming skills with HPC langages (C/C++, Fortran...)
- A self-motivated personality, intellectual independence and the willingness of working towards the solution of challenging problems
- The ability of working on multi-disciplinary topics and in an environment which is team-oriented
- Very good command of written and spoken English

Work Context

The post-doc will be based at the IRIT laboratory (Toulouse, France) and will be carried in tight collaboration with Inria (Bordeaux, France), Juelich Research Center (Juelich, Germany) and CNR (Rome, Italy).

The position is located in a sector under the protection of scientific and technical potential (PPST), and therefore requires, in accordance with the regulations, that your arrival is authorized by the competent authority of the MESR.