General information
Offer title : Post-doctoral position Formulation of graphenic biocarbons from biosources. Impact of carbon-metal interactions on thermophysical and thermoelectric properties - M/F (H/F)
Reference : UMR5302-ELSWEI-003
Number of position : 1
Workplace : ALBI
Date of publication : 13 March 2025
Type of Contract : Researcher in FTC
Contract Period : 7 months
Expected date of employment : 19 May 2025
Proportion of work : Full Time
Remuneration : salary between 2991€ and 4166€ gross depending on experience
Desired level of education : Doctorate
Experience required : 1 to 4 years
Section(s) CN : 10 - Fluid and reactive environments: transport, transfer, transformation processes
Although graphene was first synthesized in 2004, commercialization of the process faces some challenges that have been attributed to the low yield and high production cost. These issues might be alleviated by utilizing biomass and biowaste as precursors for the synthesis of graphenic biocarbons. Given the abundance of biomass, especially biowaste, and the pressing issue of waste management, the transformation of these resources to a value-added product such as graphenic biocarbon represents a highly sustainable and promising endeavor.
The synthesis of these biocarbons from biomass poses a challenge, due to the low degree of graphitization. Consequently, metal catalysts like iron, calcium have been utilized to enhance the graphitization process. So far, significant progress has been made in the graphitization of cellulose or lignin, a material that typically does not readily undergo graphitization. While substantial advancements have been made in graphenic biocarbon synthesis from unconventional materials, there remains a notable gap in understanding the mechanisms of the biocarbon-metal systems (especially the impact of the resource nature and/or doping), the crucial process parameters controlling their formation, and the process optimization in relation to the target applications. Another key challenge relies on the source of energy for the graphitization. The conventional heating during the catalytic graphitization has been now well explained in recent papers. This work will explore the impact on the graphitization of the concentrated solar energy and a high energy density source as compared to conventional heating.
To enhance the performance of the synthesized graphenic biocarbon in the targeted areas of application, better understanding of the interactions between biocarbon and metal should be developed.Thus, the principal aim of this study is to synthesize, characterize, and utilize graphenic biocarbon-metal materials produced from biomass and biowaste in conventional and solar graphitization in the areas of energy and depollution, with particular focus on CO2 sequestration and hydrogen storage.
The scientific challenges of the project are:
• To understand the parameters controlling the formation of graphenic biocarbon-metal systems using select operating conditions and feedstocks and uncover the mechanism of carbon-metal system formation.
• To highlight the relationship between the physico-chemical, mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, and the production process (conventional and solar).
• To accurately model and optimize the nano and macro structure of the graphenic carbon-metal system in relation with given application domains.
It is expected that the candidate holds a PhD degree in chemical, or material engineering, or in chemistry or physics with a solid background on solid characterization, on carbon materials in particular. Experience on some of the following techniques, XRD, XPS, TGA, FTIR, N2 sorption, SEM-EDS, HR-TEM, Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron, and on modelling will be much appreciated.
The candidate must be able to synthesize information and take the initiative in carrying out the project.
Work Context
The candidate will work at the RAPSODEE Center at IMT Mines Albi for the production of materials using conventional heating, and for their characterization. Solar assisted carbonization will be carried out at PROMES (Odeillo). Some analyses will be subcontracted. Data interpretation and modelling will be performed in conjunction with the three labs involved.