Informations générales
Intitulé de l'offre : post-doc (M/F) prototype LouComax (H/F)
Référence : UAR3506-INAREI-004
Nombre de Postes : 1
Lieu de travail : PARIS 01
Date de publication : vendredi 7 mars 2025
Type de contrat : Chercheur en contrat CDD
Durée du contrat : 3 mois
Date d'embauche prévue : 1 avril 2025
Quotité de travail : Complet
Rémunération : 2400-3200 depending on professional experience
Niveau d'études souhaité : Doctorat
Expérience souhaitée : 1 à 4 années
Section(s) CN : 13 - Chimie physique, théorique et analytique
Completing the characterization of the components (polycapillaries, X-ray tube, alignment device) of a LouComax prototype: MA-XRF coupled C-XRF
Developing a C-XRF data reconstruction/quantification program
Determining the performance of the assembled device
Participating in activities to bring them up to standard
- Simulation on the Polycap software of the device's optical components
- Measurement of the characteristics of the device components (assembly, acquisition, processing)
- Modeling of observed X-ray fluorescence in C-XRF mode
- Development of a data quantification code for C-XRF
- Selection of standards and preparation of model samples
- Evaluation of detection limits in MA-XRF mode and C-XRF mode
- Drafting of files to obtain the compliance (electrical and radiation protection) of the device
- Participation in follow-up meetings
- Organization of the schedule
- Writing a report or publication
- X-ray physics
- Principle, instrumentation and data processing of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF)
- XRF in confocal mode (C-XRF) and macro scanning (MA-XRF)
- Knowledge of cultural heritage materials and issues
- X-ray behavior modeling
- Use of simulation software
- Design of experiments
- Metrology
- Quantification of XRF data using the Fundamental Parameters method
- Python Development
- Project management
- Science Communication
- Writing reports and publications
Interpersonal skills:
- Quick adaptation to the work context
- Teamwork
- Ability to solve complex problems
Contexte de travail
The Laboratory for Instrumental Development and Innovative Methodologies for Cultural Heritage (Lab-BC) is a Support and Research Unit 3506 (UAR) under the supervision of the CNRS, the Ministry of Culture and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris. As part of the ANR Depth Paint project and the Depth Control program, we are developing a prototype of a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, in macro scanning mode (MA-XRF) coupled with confocal mode (C-XRF). Ultimately, this device is intended for the non-invasive analysis of various cultural heritage objects, such as easel painting, cave art, archaeological objects in metal or rock. For the end of the project, we are looking for an expert in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, who has already worked on confocal devices, to complete the characterization of the analysis components of the device (tube, optics, alignment device), to determine the performance of the device in both acquisition modes for different materials and to finalize a protocol and program for simple quantitative processing of C-XRF data from the methods described in the scientific literature. Later, this work may lead to publications in peer-reviewed journals. The Lab-BC is based at the Centre for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France (C2RMF) in Paris.
Contraintes et risques
- Work with ionizing radiation
- Work in basements